Friday, May 2, 2008

Huckabee Camp denies any alliance w/ Paul Camp in Oklahoma

Subject: No support for Paul plot from Huckabee camp, says Pruitt, Ford
From: Mike Ford
Date: April 17, 2008 09:33 PM

I have been asked about a rumor that has been running through the Oklahoma GOP circles this week, regarding our support for the tactics and agenda by Ron Paul's supporters to dominate the Republican delegate process to control the party's nomination and platform.

While Governor Huckabee's supporters are free to support whatever candidate or cause they wish, there is no significant draw away from our support base to this movement, to our knowledge. Though a handful of former Huckabee supporters may or may not be affiliated with Ron Paul now, it is our understanding that the overwhelming majority of Mike's supporters are remaining faithful to the party.

As Mr. Huckabee has requested, we continue to rally the party forward with the conservative values that have brought us together, displaying the most impressive grassroots passion and effectiveness of this primary election season.

As Mike Huckabee has proven by the formation of his new project, Huck PAC, the Republican Party can continue to rely on the Governor and his supporters to help keep the White House and regain the majority in Congress and Governorships.

In order to deny and distance Mike Huckabee, as well as his Oklahoma campaign staff, grassroots leaders, volunteers and supporters from this activity, the following quotes have been made available.

"Nothing could be farther from the truth. The only coalition we have is the Republican Party. The primary race is over, McCain won and we will support the party and our nominee."
- Mike Ford
HucksArmy Grassroots Organizer /Oklahoma

"Any individual who is supporting these tactics is not representative of either the Official Mike Huckabee campaign staff or the Unofficial Mike Huckabee grassroots staff. We are dedicated to supporting Mike in his newest endeavors, which includes electing Republicans this fall, particularly John McCain."
- Scott Pruitt
Oklahoma for Huckabee/Official State Chairman

Another take of Michael Bates with another reference to this blog.

This time, we find Mr. Bates story in the Urban Tulsan, a weekly newspaper, in which his column enjoys a large readership throughout the Tulsa area. Much thanks to Mr. Bates for noticing the efforts of this blog and linking to it!

Mr. Bates also has an award winning blog that is well-known in the Tulsa area, called

He gives reference to the Urban Tulsan article below on his site on April 18th with yet another link to this blog, in a piece entitled, "Paul-itical Analysis".

Bates is also heard, as a weekly guest, on a local radio talk show on KFAQ 1170.

According to Mr. Bates, this blog was instrumental in the success of the Non-Ron Paulers by having Exposed what they're secretly up to. Someone took it upon themself to pass out a flyer with a list of names on them which were found on this blog. Good going whoever you are and it was our honor to be of service to you and help with your great success!

APRIL 16, 2008
Paul Plot
There's something more than meets the eye about these Ron Paul Revolutionaries


An energetic movement of idealistic young people seeks to make their candidate the Republican nominee for president. They aren't deterred by the fact that he has only managed to win about five percent of the vote and a dozen delegates in the primaries so far.

They have a plan for victory at the Republican National Convention, a plan that includes Oklahoma's May 3 Republican state convention as a crucial battle. The prospect has party officials worried.

Some of his overenthusiastic supporters have vandalized public property with graffiti and flooded online polls in support of their man. (Other supporters claim that his enemies are stenciling his name on bridge abutments to discredit him.)

Their habit of using search engines to find and flood every blog entry and Internet forum thread invoking their candidate's name led Oklahoma City blogger Charles G. Hill of to invent a code name for him: "Pon Farr," a Star Trek reference to the Vulcan mating season that aptly captures the nerdy passion of the candidate's followers.

Their zeal has earned them a plethora of nicknames from their detractors: Ronulans, Paulbots, Paultards. They call themselves the Ron Paul Revolution, but one thing you can't call them is a bunch of quitters.

The Texas Congressman and obstetrician is the original "Dr. No," often the lone vote against bills that he believes violate the limits that the Constitution places on the powers of the Federal Government. But it's his position against American military involvement in Iraq that seems to motivate much of his youthful support base.

Paul was the 1988 presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party, but he is seeking the Republican nomination this year. His supporters believe they can compensate for his poor primary showing with superior organization.

Conventional wisdom says that Arizona Sen. John McCain has the Republican presidential nomination sewn up. CNN's delegate count puts McCain at more than 1300 delegates, more than enough for a majority on the first ballot at the convention. All of his rivals have suspended their campaigns.

Not since 1976, when Gov. Ronald Reagan nearly defeated incumbent Pres. Gerald Ford, has the nomination been in doubt when the convention was called to order. Traditionally, since nothing of substance has to be decided, congressional district and state conventions send longtime volunteers and faithful donors to the national convention as a reward for their service to the party.

These delegates are wined and dined by corporate sponsors. The convention program is designed mainly as an infomercial for the party, using free network airtime to spotlight the presidential nominee, candidates in key Senate races, and rising-star governors. Delegates get a chance to be up close and personal with the political and media celebrities they watch on Fox News.

I was a delegate in 2004, and it was great fun. But the actual business of the convention -- choosing nominees for president and vice president, voting on a platform, and establishing rules to govern the Republican Party for the next four years -- was treated as a mere formality.
But all that is grounded in tradition, and nothing in the party rules says those traditions have to be followed.

Here in Oklahoma, Paul won about 3% of the statewide primary vote. McCain finished first, winning statewide and in three congressional districts, entitling him to 32 convention delegates. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee won the 1st and 2nd Districts; he gets six national delegates.

State law and state party rules bind delegates to vote for the choice of the primary voters on the first ballot, but they don't require that the delegates have to be supporters of the candidate to whom they're bound. If Huckabee releases his delegates before the convention, as expected, those delegates will be free to vote for whomever they will.

Paul's supporters have captured five of the 15 delegate seats that were filled at Oklahoma's congressional district conventions -- three belonging to McCain and two to Huckabee. They won seven of the 15 alternate positions -- six of McCain's and one of Huckabee's. They managed this by getting their people to the district conventions and working the voting system to their advantage.

They also managed it with a certain amount of stealth. At the 1st District convention in Tulsa on April 5, a dozen or so ran for delegate. In their speeches, they never mentioned their support for Ron Paul, and they stayed away from Paul's distinctive positions. In particular, there were no mentions of the war in Iraq. They tried to come across as enthusiastic young Reaganauts, emphasizing issues held in common with mainstream conservatives.

But an anonymous flyer outed them, based on a list of the Oklahoma Ron Paul meet-up group found on

And so the Ron Paul Revolution came away from the 1st District convention empty-handed. Long-time Republicans turned their people out and held a 60-40 advantage over the newcomers. This majority voted for the candidates they knew from years of party involvement.
Instant runoff voting--in use since the 2000 1st District Convention (at my encouragement)--ensured that whichever side held the majority would prevail.

I oversaw the tallying of the votes, in which many of the Paul people participated. While they were disappointed in the outcome, they seemed satisfied that the process was fair.

Paul's fans still have hopes of winning the state's 23 at-large delegates at the May 3 state convention, to be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Tulsa. The state party's executive committee (of which I am a member) will nominate a slate of at-large delegates and alternates.

Traditionally, these slates are elected by acclamation, but that tradition can be overturned by the will of the majority and another slate elected.

The Paul supporters may also try to win Oklahoma's two open seats on the Republican National Committee. That would not only give them two more national convention delegates but two places on the party's governing body for the next four years.

If similar efforts in other states give Paul a majority of national delegates, a simple rule change could unbind all delegates from voting according to primary results, clearing the way for Paul's nomination.

Even control of a handful of state delegations would give Paul considerable leverage over the proceedings, including the choice of a vice presidential running mate and the rules that will govern the 2012 nomination process.

The machine against which the Paulinistas rage is made up of people who were insurgents themselves once upon a time. Many members of the current GOP "establishment"--the activists who hold party offices, attend caucuses, conventions, and the monthly meetings of various Republican clubs, and provide a volunteer base for Republican campaigns--came into the party as Reagan supporters in the mid to late '70s, as Christian Coalition-trained activists in the late '80s, or as talk radio fans in the early '90s.

These pro-military, pro-gun-rights, pro-life, and pro-tax-cut conservatives wanted to do away with business as usual in Washington, and after some nasty battles at county, district, and state conventions, they displaced a previous establishment that had been content to offer cut-rate versions of liberal Democratic policies and to languish as a permanent political minority.

The current party leadership can hardly be called mushy moderates. In 2004, when wealthy Republican donors backed Oklahoma City Mayor Kirk Humphreys' campaign for U. S. Senate, grassroots conservatives lined up to support Tom Coburn, helping him to an overwhelming primary victory.

Oklahoma's party activists continue to hold to conservative views across the board on fiscal, social, constitutional, foreign policy, and border security issues.

The old-timers welcome the newcomers' support for a smaller Federal government and lower taxes, but they're wary that Ron Paul's supporters, some of them ponytailed and pierced, may tilt the balance in the party against social conservatism.

Their biggest policy dispute involves the Global War on Terror. To long-time Republicans, Ron Paul's "simple, humble foreign policy" looks like naïve appeasement of an aggressive religious ideology that seeks to destroy our way of life.

If nothing else, the Ron Paul insurgency has forced traditional conservatives, apathetic after years of tranquil conventions, to re-engage with the political process.

This year's Republican National Convention could rival the Democrats' Clinton/Obama clash for drama and conflict. What happens on May 3 here in Tulsa will give us an early glimpse of what could happen in September in St. Paul.

Daily Paul Post pushing for marijuana

Blogmaster: For those who don't know, 420 is 4:20, time for everyone to smoke marijuana every day- drug culture terminology.

Is 420 more important day than Independence Day?
Posted April 17th, 2008
by m3talsmith

I suggest that 420 is. Why? In order to celebrate 420 properly you would have to take steps that some states, and the whole of the federal government, see as illegal, Yet, it is a free choice which harms no one other than perhaps yourself (depending on who you listen to). What better way to celebrate our independence against tyranny than to assert our independence this weekend against the current tyranny we are facing.

That could be said for all days where we can act against tyranny's vile attempts to harm us. But 420 is near, and it's a stand against one of the vilest attempts yet! One which puts millions of americans in jail a year for no other reason than because the tyrants can.

A selected posting on Daily Paul from Oklahoma's RJ Harris

Posted April 16th, 2008 by RJ Harris

We, the Oklahoma Ron Paul Meet-up Group Leaders, are currently in negotiations to have Ron Paul or one of his nationally recognized supporters attend our state convention!!! Please, make plans now to come the Republican Convention this May 3rd in Tulsa and help Ron Paul, and your fellow Oklahomans, make history! The Presidential and Vice Presidential nomination season of 2008 is not over yet…not by a long shot!

If you are an RP supporter in OK and a registered Republican then go to the Oklahoma Republican Party web site now and find out who your county Chair is and call that person today asking to be made a delegate to the state convention this May 2nd and 3rd. With your help we are going to take back this county one district at a time, one county at a time, and one state at a time. The following link will provide you with more information on the convention, on who your county chairperson is, and how to contact them so you can get on the delegate list for the State Convention. Additionally, this link will allow you to register for the convention once you have got yourself on the delegate list.

The following link will help you make accommodations if you want to stay in Tulsa overnight and participate in the Friday nights events as well. http://by108w.bay108.mail.../

If your county chair wont put you on the delegate list…register for the convention anyway! We will move then to suspend the rules if they try and continue some of the underhanded exclusionary tricks they have employed at the district conventions. Once we get past that vote we can move to include the delegates that the establishment republicans may have tried to disenfranchise.

Anyhow, we will be carpooling to Tulsa on Friday night and Saturday morning. If you leave Saturday morning you will have to leave by about 6:00 AM. If you leave on Friday night you may have to get a motel or stay with friends or family. We are currently working on getting Tulsa RP supporters to offer a spare bedroom or living room floor so people can throw down a sleeping bag.

If you need to carpool call Les White at 405-627-5488 or email him at and he will pair people together. Remember to tell him if you are wanting to leave Friday night and if you will need a place to stay that night or if you want to leave Saturday morning. There is no need to spend anymore money on gas than necessary.

In case you have been out of the political loop of late you will be excited to hear that Ron Paul supporters have been getting elected to delegate positions all over the country. “Why?” you may ask is this important to you? Because according to even the most basic government text book, presidential candidates have to be just as good turning out the delegates as they are at turning out the primary voters or else their chances of gaining their parties nomination are in jeopardy. In Oklahoma we have managed to take several national delegate seats and we still have the state convention yet to go with 46 more At-Large delegates still up for grabs. Oklahoma Ron Paul meet-up group members/organizers like Les White, Brady Wright, Ryan Underwood, Sandie Crosnoe, Kaye Beach and Myself have been fighting like lions to turn out Ron Paul supporters to various conventions for the purpose of winning delegate seats, getting true conservative resolutions back on the platform, and getting neo-con resolution items voted off of the platform.

When the Republican Party was born it only took two attempts to get our nominee (Abraham Lincoln) elected. Sadly, there were people at that time willing tear our country apart so that they could continue to benefit from the enslavement of others. Ironic that we, the Ron Paul Republicans, have figured out that the slave masters never left us and have returned under the standard of the modern banking system—only this time their goal is the enslavement of everyone, not just one race among us. However, we know today, just like President Lincoln did, that this country and our freedoms are still WORTH FIGHTING FOR…Freedom from debt slavery, freedom from tyranny of the majority, freedom from un-warranted surveillance of our private lives by the ruling class just to name a few.

As was the case in Lincolns day, the suppressors of liberty today are not going to give up of their own account; they also must be fought. Fought at the ballot box and on the internet and fought anywhere else a true patriot can find someone else willing to listen to the truth. The time for apathy and inaction is over, now is the time to fight in the arena of ideas for what you believe. Its time to for us to fight to change our local Republican Platform and to fight to get local Ron Paul candidates—like Les White district 45 (Norman)—elected. Its time to give your state and your country just one day in your life this May 3rd to vote for Ron Paul Delegates to the National Republican Convention.

It is not too late to get Congressman Ron Paul elected President (or Vice President since it is the delegates at the convention that pick the vice) Win or lose on the national stage this cycle, we can still certainly take back our local republican party from the neo-cons and then we will see that when the next election cycle comes around it will be Constitutional Ron Paul Republicans who are chairing all the Republican Committees in Oklahoma and picking all the candidates for local, state, and federal positions! Its time to throw out the liberal republicans (rhinos) that have ruined the Party of Lincoln. It is time to take your place in the line of patriots stretching back to the founders and help SAVE THE REPUBLIC!


RJ Harris
Norman Meet-Up Assistant Organizer

PS Don't forget that in many states if you can take over the party majority, you may be able to vote to unbind your delegates!

PSS Remember also that the National Convention Delegates must approve the presumptive nominee's choice for Vice President. If we get enough delegates to the convention we can have a real voice on this important issue.

PSSS check out this video WARNING there is one obscene word in the audio but please listen anyway because if it does not motivate you to take the torch of liberty being offered to you and to help win back your freedom…I don’t know what else will.

PSSSS If you are a Ron Paul campaign official, or the man himself, please come, or send one of your trusted supporters, to this convention. I know Brady Wright and or Kirk Shelly is already talking to you about this and if he has not already said it; I will. We are an inch away from wining this state for you, won’t you help us get that last inch?

Nevada - GOP Convention Process Defended - Video and more detailed story included.
From KOLO TV News Channel 8
Reno, Nevada
Video and more detailed story included. The following is an excerpt from the end of the story:

"As the convention opened on Saturday, delegates cheered as former presidential hopeful Mitt Romney urged support for McCain - but later in the day Paul got even louder applause as he delivered his message of individual freedom and fiscal responsibility.

Romney, who trounced all other Republican contenders by getting 52 percent in Nevada's precinct straw polls, said his job now is to make sure McCain wins the presidency. In the January straw polling, McCain and Paul split a quarter of the votes."

Thursday, May 1, 2008

More Reports from Oklahoma: Oklahoma GOP State Platform

Members of the Oklahoma GOP Platform Committee are reporting that the 2008 State Party Platform will have drastic changes that were put in place due to the handiwork of Ron Paul supporters who were appointed to the committee in numbers that are greatly disproportionate to the % of the Primary vote, in which, Ron Paul only received approximately 3% of the vote. They are saying that Cheryl Williams (Vice Chair?) is the name of the individual responsible for having appointed so many of these mostly new party members.

Some of the more prominant changes are mentioned in an e-mail:

I forgot to mention to you that they also succeeded in inserting a plank to oppose all foreign aid. Here's what it says, verbatim:
"6. We oppose any transfer of wealth from the US taxpayers to any foreign governments, usually referred to as foreign aid." Page 18

That's in direct conflict with this, which is right above it:
"2. We should support Israel politically, economically, geographically and militarily." Page 18

...and, I would say that it's also in direct conflict, with this one, which is below it:
"10. We support policies that protect all U.S. allies." Page 19

...and of course there's this lovely gem from page 20:
"11. We affirm the other provisions enumerated in the Bill of Rights, including the right to due process and freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, nor should private property be taken for public use without just compensation. Therefore, we oppose the Patriot Act and call for its repeal."

Blogmaster: Have a great day, while thinking of the fact that a state GOP managed to get a self-conflicting platform put together which does away with supporting any allies or spying capabilities. Word has it that they also killed a plank that would have supported the Fair Tax, which enjoys the support of both of the state's Senators and 4 of their 5 Congressmen. Apparently, they don't want the IRS, but they also don't want the Fair Tax!

They're saying that the Ron Paul people are intending to show out at the Oklahoma State GOP Convention in Tulsa on Saturday, May 3rd, especially after having seen the outcome of the results in Nevada. By all appearances, these people do not see the STARK difference between John McCain and these 2 socialist Democrat Presidential Candidates who are both greatly in favor of partial birth abortion (which is simply infanticide), or if they do see it, they don't care about the party unity that will be needed by the GOP in order to defeat these most historically liberal of all liberal Presidential Candidates. Perhaps they're too blinded by their zeal to have power of their own, in some fashion, to see that the need to defeat these liberal kooks is great and very serious (an actual life and death matter for many children).

Nevada GOP Leaves Their State Convention

Nev. GOP recesses state convention, angering Paul supporters

RENO, Nev. (AP) -- Outmaneuvered by raucous Ron Paul supporters, Nevada Republican Party leaders abruptly shut down their state convention and now must resume the event to complete a list of 31 delegates to the GOP national convention.

Outnumbered supporters of expected Republican presidential nominee John McCain faced off Saturday against well-organized Paul support ers. A large share of the more than 1,300 state convention delegates enabled Paul supporters to get a rule change positioning them for more national convention delegate slots than expected.

"I've seen factions walk out. I've never seen a party walk out," said Jeff Greenspan, regional coordinator for the Paul campaign.

Delegates cheered earlier in the day as former presidential hopeful Mitt Romney urged support for McCain. Later, though, Paul got even louder applause as he delivered his message of individual freedom and fiscal responsibility.

State Sen. Bob Beers, the convention chairman, was booed loudly as he called for a recess Saturday evening. He said that the party's rental contract for a big meeting room at a Reno hotel-casino had expired and there was too much work left to complete.

State GOP Chairwoman Sue Lowden said the rules change wasn't anticipated. She denied any anti-Paul bias, saying expected slates of national delegates were prepared through a fair and open process by the convention's nominations committee and the party thought the convention would accept them.

Steve Parent is a Democrat who is assisting Paul's supporters to overthrow the GOP

FYI- Steve Parent is a Democrat who is assisting Paul's supporters to overthrow the GOP...

Publisher's note: This was originally posted on a Ron Paul support website. Dr. Parent was an administrator for the Democratic party for over 6 years and well educated in the nomination process. He left the party to support Dr. Paul. While this is clearly an article that supports Ron Paul for President, it is also important information that most of us are unaware of - because Republican contests rarely get to this stage.

Written by Dr. Steve Parent
Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Even if you support McCain for President, you should be aware of this process. These are the facts of the GOP nomination process.
Our founding fathers set the system up like this
to assure that there would not have false or fraudulent support for a candidate thus forcing THE PEOPLE to become involved in the election process and to show actual support for thier candidate.
They wanted to make sure they would protect us from VOTE FRAUD and to make sure that a candidate did not win a beauty contest but instead win an election.
Any candidate and their supporters can do exactly what we are doing if they chose to do so and i am sure from the reports we have received that Mccain does not have real support or he would have the delegates he needs registered as delegates to vote for him in the up coming convention.
If you doubt my post go and research it yourself PLEASE here :

I know many of you are new to the election process but don't worry. I am going to go into some depth of how this all works so read and then read again if you need to.
Did you know that the delegates can actually vote to unbind thier delegates that are bound by state rules? Did you know that delegates can actually overturn and previous vote? Did you know the delegates have control of the entire process?
The main stream media is not reporting how to become the nominee in a situation like this so i will tell you to stop getting your info from them.
I know many of you are bummed about Dr. Paul not getting more votes in the states popular vote BUT THAT IS BECAUSE YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW THE ELECTION SYSTEM WORKS: Let me explain to you the reality of how to become the nominee.
First stop looking at who wins each states popular vote for most of these states the vote by the people is really nothing but a straw poll and have no real bearing on who will become the nominee. The only way this matters is if 1 person receives 1191 delegates that are bound by state rules to be commited to that candidate. So if a candiate like Mccain now has 906 delegates now but he doesn't reach 1191 WHICH HE WILL NOT most of the delegates the state awarded him mean nothing and keep in mind in most of the states most of the people that represent the 906 for Mccain are actually Ron Paul supporters. NOW there is no possible way that anyone in the race can achieve this goal now because of the major split in state wins by the candidates.
Normally, Convention Delegates do not matter because the convention is not brokered and we have a clear winner because someone has 1191 delegates. BUT THIS YEAR IS DIFFERENT. This will be a brokered convention there is no way around it. Do you see how the Ron Paul campaign strategy will work?
When a candidate wins delegates by winning a primary that does not mean there are actual people that won acting as delegates- these are
virtual delegates
What do I mean by virtual delegates? A virtual delegate is just a number - there are no actual people YET that will go and vote for the candidate who won the particular state at the national convention. We call these people convention delegates.
The actual delegates are voted on (in most states) at a statewide delegate caucus after the Primary (which is just a giant preference poll). Who can be delegates? Anyone. In closed Primary states they must be registered Republicans. In Open Primary states they can be Republicans, Democrats, Independents.
View the hard count of actaul pledged delegates here :
And we have lots of delegates.
Out of the 2,380 delegates sent to Minneapolis St. Paul in September:
463 delegates are bound all the way through the convention some of those 463 are Ron Pauls people.
565 delegates will be bound through one ballot. That is, they have to follow the results of the state election on the first ballot. After that, if no candidate has a majority of delegates, they are free to vote as they please and Mccain will not receive over 50% on the first ballot.
383 will be bound through two ballots then they are free to vote for whom they wish.
318 will be bound through three ballots then they are free to vote for whom they wish.
I am not going to list every state and what the break downs are, just do the math from these numbers or look for yourself here:
Bottom line is less than 1/2 of the delegates are bound by state party rules. Now do you see how we can win this thing?

So what happens now you ask?
You look at the number of delegates that Dr. Paul has that are uncommited to the other candidates and will support him. These delegates are not decided by the popular vote ie: straw poll of the people. Since no one will have enough delegates to skate them through to the nomination we now must look at how many delegates NOT VOTES but delegates Dr. Paul has that are 100% uncommited to the other candidates and will be 100% for Dr. Paul and are free to vote for whom they wish.
This race will go all the way to the convention for there is no other way for someone to receive the nomintaion untill the convention.
The RNC will convene its annual Winter Meeting - and voters will continue to cast their ballots in the nation's primaries and caucuses. Candidates for delegate and alternate delegate to the convention will be elected - and thousands of convention participants and guests will begin planning their trips to Minneapolis-Saint Paul The first week in September 2008.
So what does this all mean?
This means that all of the people that registered to become a delegate for Dr. Paul can go to the convention and cast thier vote for Dr. Paul, now think about what i just said. Do you think for one second that all the people that voted for Dr. Paul and filed to become a deligate will not show up at the convention to vote for the good Doctor? Of course they will just like they battled the rain and the sleet and the 15 below zero winter weather to knock on doors and wave signs spreading our message.
Now I assure you that even though we didn't win the popular vote in many states, WE DID PICK UP MORE DELEGATES THAN ALL THE OTHER CANDIDATES IN MOST EVERY STATE EXCEPT A FEW. So yes, they won the straw poll and we won what counts which is delegates.
Doesn't Dr. Paul need to WIN 5 states to be on the ballot at the convention for the nomination?
NO THIS IS NOT TRUE - people were just confused on how it actually works.

We only need the majority of delegates from 5 states to be put on the ballot NOT THE POPULAR VOTE OF 5 STATES and i assure you we have picked up the majority of uncommitted delegates for Dr. Paul in more than 5 states.
Do any of you remember seeing posts by myself and many others that said BECOME A DELEGATE? There is still time in most states to become a delegate for the convention and we are picking up more of them every day.
The fact is Dr. Paul is a genius in his strategy and we are further ahead in delegates than you think and we can win the nomination.

Blogmaster: 4 days later, Dr. Parent also posted on 16 March a similar posting with even greater detail, including the following:

"...we can control some states and unbind our delegates at the state conventions."