The e-mail:
Ron Paul Radicals At It Again In OKlahoma
I have received word from sources within the OKGOP that the radical fringe of the Ron Paul campaign are deliberately sabotaging our Republican Get Out The Vote program.
According to one source, some of those who seized vacant GOP precinct chairs are deliberately not cooperating with Party leadership, and refusing to distribute GOP materials to voters in their precinct. All Republican precinct chairmen have an obligation to coordinate with the Republican Party and support the GOTV strategy to support GOP candidates.
Another source reports that one Ron Paul state coordinator has requested via email ( )that all of their chairmen should pick these packets up, and it is likely they will send volunteers by the GOP offices to pick up boxes that need to go out and offer to distribute them. Unfortunately, the agenda is dishonest, as they are not intending to help the GOP. Instead, in a mass email to Paul supporters, he points out the advantages to gaining these voter lists (with addresses and phone numbers), maps and info bags.
-Ryan Underwood
Tulsa Area Republicans Restoring the Republic
These materials are property of the Oklahoma Republican Party, and obtaining them along with private voter information under false pretenses is a sign of poor character. This behavior does not represent the attributes of a true conservative, and I can almost be certain that Ron Paul and the majority of his associates would object with us.
I am calling on all Precinct Chairmen, members of the Executive Committee and State Chairman Gary Jones to condemn this action with me and demand that these materials be returned, followed by the resignation of ALL GOP Precinct Chairmen who have acquired their positions for their own non-Republican political agendas.
I also ask that any of you who are associated with, or are close to, these individuals, to contact these individuals and convince them to act responsibly and ethically.
Finally, I would like to thank Stae Vice Chairwoman Cheryl Williams for opening up this Pandora's box! Some of the same radicals that you appointed to GOP committees and displayed favoritism to, regardless of the fact that many of us objected, may now cost us the majority in the Oklahoma House and Senate.
Mike Ford
Precinct Chairman 406 - Bixby
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